My dear busy (who have the time to surf the Internet) friend:
I am writing this on behalf of the Agape Youth Camp 2007 Organising Committee , to invite you to come and join in the Agape Youth Camp in March 2007.
This Youth Camp is supported by the Peninsular Malaysia Mission and is listed as one of the official mission-wide youth programmes for next year.
The Venue is at The Air Keroh d'village Resort, in the state of Malacca , Malaysia .
The dates are from March 14th to 18th, 2007, Wednesday evening to Sunday morning. This period falls within the Malaysia school holidays.
The main speaker, Dr Ron Du Preez, holds a Double Doctorate degrees in Theology and in Ministry, currently he is working towards a PHD in New Testament Studies. An ordained pastor, he currently serves two churches near Andrews University, Michigan. We believe that he has a timely message for our young people.
The Conference registration fee includes the boarding and lodging during the conference and a T-shirt.
This is a bilingual camp meeting, we will use both English and Mandarin throughout the meeting.
You may send in the registration form by post or by email. ( Please ensure that you receive an email of acknowledgement in reply when you register through email.)
If you register before 31st Dec 2006, your fees will be partially subsidies by some generous rich uncle. That means, you will be saving lots of money if you register early!
What you can expect from AYC:
Seriously, that video is just a small teeny-weeny glimpse of it. You can expect more. Don't believe? That is why you need to register and find out!
So don't forget. BOOK A PLACE before DEC 31, 2006!
Yours in Christ,
Esther Cheng Pui Kong ( Chairperson ) &
Chong Lee Poh ( Secretary )
Agape Youth Camp 2007