okay, the fact is, I got an offer to Monash university.
Yup, that is my 1st and (to date) the only birthday present I got for my 21st birthday. (yes, I am complaining.. ~hint ~hint)

I finally officially got an offer from Monash University to their MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) course. I have been confirmed that I am accepted to the course by phone by Monash University about a couple months ago. However, at that time I didn’t feel “secured” because I didn’t receive any” black-and-white” yet. Anyway, I am happy about the offer (plus, unfortunately, with lots of financial hurdles ahead)
I really thank God for His goodness and mercy.
I have not been studying for the pass 2 years after completing Alevel in TARC. This is because I have been turned down by Christian Medical College Vellore India(CMC), National University of Singapore medical school (NUS) and Hong Kong University medical school(HKU). With exceptional to HKU, the others (CMC & NUS), I was shortlisted but turn down at the final part of the selection (which is the interview). In another words, I am last at giving people a good impression.
William Huan, suggested that perhaps I should wear a piece of nice Prada suit during my interview.
Nice suggestion.
But, I guess my failure lies because of I lack of some mental maturity. Even though, I have the good grades, can answer difficult question, or discuss about latest issues; I face a problem: I don't know or not sure with myself.
If the interviewer ask me to say something to describe me, I am not sure what to say. I don't know much about myself. I don't know where I stand and I don't even know my identity.
This may sound funny to you but it is true. I don't aware of this problem until at the end of my 2 'unschooled' years. (How got aware of that? email me to hear the juiciest experience of my life.. hehe)
Again, God has been good to me. seriously and honestly.
As for Monash University interview held few months ago, Wei De and Jeff have really help me a lot with many of their keng tips and advice. But no doubt, the full credit goes to those who have been really praying for me-those from Sabah, Melaka, Penang, KL, Ipoh, Kedah, Johore... etc.
If you have been praying for me, I really thank you. Please continue to pray for me.
Bonus post:
This is taken from here.
This slide help us to aware that there is alot of things we can(should) do to help the unfortunate.
Seriously, if we got the luxury to surf the Internet, we are consider rich. We are born rich.
If we do nothing to share our wealth to others, I believe, God will be not hesitate take legal action against us "super-duper detail-ly" at the judgement day. Think of the sheep and goat parable in Matthew 25.
Listen to sermon on helping the poor by Pastor Dwight.
no problem lah...
wei de!!! you also read my blog... I kembang leh
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