FW: Emergency Missing Classmate of ours
Message: ----------------------------------
Original message from Leong:
> Anyone know where Tang Kuan Yee is ??
> On wednesday, 18 oct 2006, she told her parents
> that she was going out to meet some friends at the
> Hill City Shopping Complex in Ipoh. She left her
> house (driving alone) at 11 am. Later at 1 pm when
> her parents called her, she said she was going to
> have lunch at the Hill City Shopping Complex and
> was going to meet her boyfriend Ah Fai later in the
> evening.
> But she never turned up to meet her boyfriend. She
> has not gone home since, and we are unable to
> contact her on her handphone. Her car was found
> still in the car park of the shopping complex.
> A police report has been made, and the CCTVs in
> the complex checked, but there was nothing on
> Kuan Yee. Her parents have gone around to
> several restaurants at the shopping complex,
> asking if anyone had seen her, but nobody has.
> Anyone with info about this 21 year old UTAR
> biomedical science student, please contact
> 0125055473, 0125276618 or 0125276618
> As for the rest of us, i hope you can repost this
> bulletin to help spread the word and maybe help
> find kuan yee.
http://www.friendster.com/14773367 (the main
> detail of Kuan Yee)
Arrgggh... another useless forwarded message. I received many of this kind of e-mail and I hate it because I believe that non of these kind of information is true. Who believe in the Internet? No No. I am not going to forward such message and neither I want to waste my inbox space with these useless piece of information.
But, what if, this is true? What if the poor girl, Tang Kuan Yee is really missing and really need help. So I message Daniel to verify. Daniel replied:
yes she's my classmate, pls spread the news, now as time reli matter, the longer there isn't any news, the slimmer the chances of gettin to her alive... we r very worried for her
Seriously, I don't know how it feels when my closest goes missing. I can not imagine the horror of not hearing one of my friends or family members for days.
blog search for Miss Tang
Our evil world is ain't merciful to anyone. Even, riding cab is no longer safe.
Google search
From the press
I bet you don't understand what Tang's dad has done. Her father, according to Star, das distributed thousands flyer of her daughter.

CAN YOU PLEASE put your lecture notes aside and start memorizes and study Tang Kuan Yee’s face so you can identify in case you found her:

But seriously, please remember Tang in your prayer.
updated, today from The Star: RM10,000 reward for finding bio-medic student.
Props for checking the validity of your forwards, Isaac. I wish more people would do that!
So sad about this girl. I do hope she is found soon, and that somehow the Lord will work through the tragedy.
hey ya... how did u come to know about my predicament?
Hi michsue!
I was googling on Tang Kuan Yee and related case (topic on kidnapping or etc...). [i try to act like a detective]Of all the search result,I found you.
owh... =) which church are you from, isaac?
wah... interview saya pulak. Why dont you make an appointment for interview session? hahaha
Just joking.
Anyway,I join the a very small chinese group(church)in Puchong. A branch of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Kuan Yee is my cousin sister..more than 2 years since her dissapearance...but we're still putting up hopes..please pray for us
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