Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Mind Map


Anyone here use mind map? You find it useful?

I use mind map during my A level after being influenced by Tony Buzan's book and I find it 60% useful. The another 40% is due to my laziness of creating a mind map.

But truly, I fine Mind Map is useful.

But the problem is some times, I find it difficult to arrange and cramp all the "branches" into a page.

I found a solution:

Introducing the OPEN SOURCE FREE MIND software.

This is too great for me because:

1) it made mind mapping so much easier
2) it is both free and open source
3) and the mind map is very close to what is describe by Tony Buzan. contrary to the bubble map

Lets have the look at some of the screen shot:


What I dont like about the software is there is some problem with the print function... i guess


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Singing praise to expensive new drugs

Pointed out by Medpundit (with emphasis) :

"...The largest diabetes prevention study ever done has found that a drug already used to treat the disease also can help keep ''pre-diabetics'' from developing it. But many experts say losing weight and exercising remain a safer, cheaper approach.

"...The drug can cause fluid retention, which can lead to heart failure in people with a weak heart

But, by the pharmaceutical companies sponsored the research:

"...The effect was also observed when a more stringent definition of normal fasting glucose concentration was used. In total, 50.5% individuals in the rosiglitazone group and 30.3% in the placebo group became normoglycemic.

MedPundit concluded:

"...Those improvements sound impressive, but they are the same improvements and the same rate of improvement that can be had by diet and lifestyle changes, a fact the authors freely admit in their conclusion. Watching the diet and walking a half hour every day is certainly less expensive than the $175 a month it costs to take Avandia at the 8mg dose in the study. Not to mention, it's healthier, what with the congestive heart failure and all.

Monday, September 11, 2006

This blog is not DEAD

Blog wise, I know I have been hibernating for a long time.
Honestly, I really have nothing to say about myself.

However, I have set up a new blog with a purpose and mission.


I know that most people hate to memorize. But memorizing scripture is very important and beneficial.

King David in the bible realized that:
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.Psa 119:11(KJV)

This new blog serve a purpose to encourage people to memorize scripture by suggesting methods to memorize scripture easier.

I hope you will be blessed by this newly form blog. I will try to update it as often as possible
