Sunday, January 22, 2006

when small means keng...

We often ask why God create us "small"? Why not smart enough? Why not cute, rich, handsome, pretty, tall, fat enough?

Let us hear God's reply via nature.

Nature is the most interactive class room where God teaches us about many things. There are many precious truth in life we can learn by carefully observing nature.

Particularly, I am very excited about the chilli paddy (direct translation from Malay language, cili padi).

Cili padi is one of the smallest kind of Capsicum. It is so small that you manage to stuff five of them in to your nose. However, it is the most hottest chilli known to me. A small bite on its tail can easily ignites your nerve. I bet you, panadol don't help either. I tried it.

You know, God is so excited in you. He makes you small.Because by His power, He gonna transform you to be the most hottest, kengest and powerful person ever live if just we depend on Him. the cili padi...

One of my fave bible quotation is:

(1Co 1:27) But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

In a small country, there is a small state, and there is a small province, small town and a small church -- the Kulai Chinese Church had made big things, and still making it bigger. God had used it wonderfully. (by the way, Kulai is in Johore, Malaysia)

One of the bible worker from Kulai, Ta Ying, came to Kuala Lumpur couple weeks ago and stuned those BIG guys from BIG churches, on how the Lord had blessed them.

He reported that in his presentation, small ( means young) people from his church had been ambitious in big projects constantly pray earnest for rival and transformation in their own personal life. That means, they wanna experience the power of God changing their character (ie from a bad boy to a good boy).

And that's how they get everything started. God's hear their prayer, and bless them more... and more... and more... and turning them to great cili padi for God.

The BIG DEAL blessing in Kulai Church, as reported in Ta Ying's presentation:

1)personal life transform in God's love, as requested in member's

2)this infecteous love spreads among church members. Most got infected. The
bond of love between church members strengthen. Visitor's have high
risk exposure to this infection.

3)the agape department is form to fuel the boost of infection.

4)members venture outside to widen the infectious love scope. Many hate Christ become love Christ. I personally know a guy who tell me how he dislike the idea of Christianity. Now, he got infected with the love of Jesus and became a faithful Christian.

5)youth have vision on medical missionary who said that they willing to dirty their hands to minister the poor and the sick.

Their website for banana people (like me).

And the original version of it.

My point is this, when you feel you are small. Here is the good news for you. He will make you hot!

check out their projects on Pathfinder:

and photo:

by the way...

Contrast with the BIG chili,cili padi remains small and humble as it grows and matures.

Big chili face down and small cili padi spike up, constantly praising God!

Blessed are those cili padi!

Sunday, January 15, 2006


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RM6 includes shipping to anywhere in West Malaysia and
RM10 which includes shipping to Singapore and East Malaysia.

Back Cover:

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Over 100 years and still selling it hot:

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Ideal for personal devotion, cell group, prayer meeting, youth meeting, baptism gift, bible study..etc

Includes real and thought provoking story which can relate to youth:

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Bible text for reference and discussion:

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Topic includes straight forward truth for truth seeker:

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Suggestive application to our Christian Life:

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For Christian only?
. This book is touch the very basic and core topic of Christian believe. As a Christian, all our belief is centered on Jesus Christ; our very understanding of life, reason for living, reason moral and ethics, philosophy and principles, all of them, are all link to the foundation which is Jesus Christ. Reader will understand the basic of Christianity.

This book however contain Christian jargons (eg. Salvation) in which non Christian will find it difficult to understand initially. It is however few which can be easily solved by just asking your Christian friends. Rest, it is easy.

Why selling this book?
This thin booklet had tremendously change my life. Serious and honest. It is all about reason of living. In times of trouble and affliction in life, I have been comforted in Christ.
I am sharing this book to you. :)

How to buy it from you?
Send me your house address via SMS ( +6 016 636 4405). Please include your name and the number of copy you plan to purchase.

If you are 016 user, you can pay me by transfering credit to my phone (RM5+RM3). The extra RM 2 will be into my pocket. ~grin

Or you can bank-in/send cheque/money order to me. I will give more info via SMS.

Buy in Bulk do you offer discount?
Yeah. But need to gimme a call to talk bout it.
(Don't send me SMS then ask me to call back. I very poor one. hehe)

Cheers and Happy Chinese New Year!

Monday, January 02, 2006


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my phone : SE 290i

I can't keep myself noticing kids as young as primary 1 got themselves a private mobile phone. Nearly all teens got one. Some even got 2. I remember during college, one girl I know got 3 mobile phones.

I got my first mobile phone is during after SPM (Secondary 5). That also because, I am staying in campus during A level and I was starting my own business.

But I warn you, mobile phone is a really addicting. You probably had realized it. I didn't until I borrow my phone to my sister for a week, 2 years ago.

Not having your phone around you for just a day is like feeling disconnecting to the world.

Handphone helps us to keep in touch

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Encouraging each other

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Asking friend out

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Scripture quotation

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Learning how to play piano

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making new friends (my tuition agent)

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giving excuses not replying (just joking)

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asking add math question

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doing business

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being a loan shark

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receiving weird msg ( me=banana)

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looking for job

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key pads

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sending wrong msg.. from my student.( I didn't tell my student bout it.. just don't wanna get her embarrass)

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haha.. dangerous huh? just careful

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

(Phi 3:13) Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,


Reviewing the year 2005, comparing the previous years, there are more things happening both in my life and in the world history. It is very unfortunately, however, to know that we have more bad news than the good ones during year 2005.

The Time magazine, December 19 issue published the Best Photo of 2005. It is so sad to know that majority of the best photo were the bad photo.

Children dying in Pakistan, dead body floating on the streets in US, baby crying, homes were swept away, tsunami is so close to home.

Sometimes we do wonder where is God when such crisis happened? Does God cares? Is love is really from God?

Let me suggest you that the God through His Word, the bible, express His care over human affairs. The bible says that God so love the world that He gave all He could give even to die for us. God is so concern on the world affairs that His prophecy is accurately fulfilling on the calamities which gonna to fall upon us and gives us message of hope and comfort.(wanna know more about the bible such topics? Please contact me) He is concern about the dying baby in Pakistan that He wanted to come back to this earth to bring all sadness into and end.

The Jesus says (in John 14:1-3):

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Human corrupted moralities has resulted the world full of sorrow and sadness. Evil forces has enslave man kind. The bible says, God not only wanna restore this corrupted earth but wanna change you to be a perfect person.

Prior to Jesus 2nd coming, Jesus has warn us that those who believe in Him and obey Him shall be save but those who disobey, disbelieve, pleasure lovers, lovers of sin, wicked will be doomed.

You ask: "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" (Act 16:30)

And the bible answered simply: "“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."” (Act 16:31)

The characteristic of believing Jesus is to obey His Commandments. ( 1 John 5).

The final warning to the world which includes you and me is to fear God and keep His Commandments for the hour of Judgment is come. Worship Him who made heaven and earth, the seas and the fountains of waters. ( Rev 14:6)

Think of this, Jesus wants to bring all sadness into the end as soon as possible. He don't wanna see another hungry baby dying malaria. He wants to come back to this earth as soon as possible... but He can't

..... because the bible says, you are unprepared.... He loves you too and don't wish to see you doomed.

I do understand that whatever I assert does not make any sense to you. There is really much to tell you. I plead you to have a bible study. Perhaps you may wanna call me out to study together. I bet you, I you humbly come to the bible, God's word, your life will be change. You will never be the same again. It happens to me!

Time is short. Jesus can't wait too long. More babies dying.... and counting...